Well my husband had a week off last week as it was his birthday & even though we did'nt go awat we did go out some days. On monday we stayed close to home by going to a place called Godington house where they had a celebration of delphiniums which were fantastic.
the gardens were fantastic especially as there were stunning dragonflies on the lily ponds.
We took nettie and a friend called Wendy who is a fantastic artist who really makes you laugh.
I think we must have been slow as we missed out on the cream teas so ended up coming back here for Mr kiplings fondant fancies.
We also went to a place called whitstable which is a beautiful seaside town where we found a lovely place on the seafront to eat. It was a bit up market as fish and chips were fourteen pounds. ouch .
We also went to folkstone harbour where they have been doing a massive clean up on the harbour itself so we can now see the bottom of the beach , No rubbish so lets hope it remains this way.
I then finished off the week with the charity moonlight walk which was really good even though I only raised £155 pounds but every penny counts.
I believe we raised 50 thousand in total for our local hospice that Nettie and I help out at.